To Love LOVE First

It is but right to love You above all things My Lord… It is righteous to uphold and love, Love first… for You are the source of everything… ‘Coz out of loving You, we’d come to know how to love others…

My Love, show and teach me how to love You above all created things, with all my heart, with all my mind, with all my soul, and with all my strength… so that I can love others as much… to love them as You had commanded: Love thy neighbor as I have loved thee…

My Lord, You have given me so much… but I have only returned a little… how poor is my love compared to Yours! You’ve never withheld Yourself from me, even with Your death on Calvary… but I have withheld so much of me from You… I have withheld so much of myself from Love… Lord, teach me how to give myself fully to You… teach me how to fully give myself for Love.

Oh, ‘coz how can I love my neighbors perfectly if I don’t love You perfectly… the perfection of my soul depends on the authenticity of my love for You… and I am sad to have observed that many a times, I loved myself more than I should’ve loved You….

Or perhaps I have the wrong concept of loving myself… because If I just truly love myself, I should’ve sought you first, for You are what it needs the most…

If we truly love ourselves then we should contain You… for the soul is most loved if it is immersed in You… if it is immersed in Love.

Oh what keeps me from loving You in that way My Lord? Why do I abhorently exult myself above You! Why do I easily give in to my whims and whining? It is thus hard My Lord (sigh)… I know that only by Your grace would I overcome my misery and pitiful condition… But my hope is in You, that You will make into completion what You’ve started in Me… so I await for the fullness of the restoration of my broken soul…


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